New NBB fit and proper manual

On 20 December 2022, the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) updated its “fit & proper” Manual, which sets out the prudential standards to be met by all financial institutions under its supervision regarding the assessment of the suitability of directors, senior managers (in particular members of the management committee) and persons responsible for independent control functions.

Effective corporate governance in a VUCA world

Effective corporate governance can help organizations overcome the challenges posed by technology disruptors, climate change, and the transition to new energy sources by providing a framework for transparent and accountable decision-making, improving risk management, and fostering innovation.

Mergers and Acquisitions in India

M&A’s or Mergers and Acquisitions are a much talked about topic in the United States and Europe, but also in Asia. In India, the concept of a merger is called “Amalgamation”, by which two or more companies join hands to form a new company or business entity. India, the fastest growing economy of Asia after China and Japan went through lot of economic reforms over the past decades.

What are board minutes?

What are board minutes?

Board minutes are a record of the discussions and decisions during a board meeting the Board of Directors.

Market Abuse

Market Abuse

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Market Abuse 8 August 2022 – Vanessa Galhardo-Galhetas A good functioning of the financial markets is essential for the trust of citizens in the financial system and for economic growth. Therefore, a framework was developed at European […]

Legal Due Diligence

Legal Due Diligence

Legal Due Diligence is an important step in the Mergers and Acquisitions process, that should not be overlooked.